Livestock/Poultry April 01, 2022
The Big Stick
One pump, one John Deere engine, one of a kind.
BIG things are happening at Bambauer Equipment. Founded in 1962, Bambauer Equipment has more than 55 years of industry experience. Family owned and operated, they take great pride in knowing they provide customers with the highest quality pumping equipment on the market.
The Big Stick is the newest, most efficient lead pump in the industry. It has one pump, one John Deere engine, and the watchdog control system for monitoring and controlling the Big Stick from any connected device. It also has no need for a hydraulic force feed pump, making it one of a kind.
“Our goal at the beginning of development was to create an engine pump unit that was more efficient over the long term, required less maintenance and could reach the deep lagoons of dairy operations,” said Scott Bambauer, partner at Bambauer Equipment. “We designed the Big Stick to be the lead, high-pressure pump and achieve maximum efficiency for the largest capacity drag line systems.”
Large capacity drag systems require more horsepower. Just as timing would have it, the latest engine from John Deere, the 684 horsepower JD14X engine, was the perfect fit.
While it’s not significantly bigger than its predecessor (the John Deere 13.5 engine), a boost in horsepower allows the JD14X engine to reach flows of more than 5,000 gallons per minute at 175 psi.
“With the JD14X, we’re using less fuel per hour and doing more flow,” said Bambauer. “Another great feature of this engine is that we can operate up to a 45° off plane, which is key in the large dairy applications with lagoon ponds that have steep banks.”
With only one pump to maintain versus two, no expensive hydrostat, reduced setup time, 5,000+ gallons per minute at high pressure, 75-ft reach, maneuverable on and off road, the John Deere-powered Big Stick is in a category all its own. ‡
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